Cleveland School District and Delta State University College of Education, Division of Health, Physical Education and Recreation – Project PEAK

Project PEAK, or Physical Education and Active Lifestyles for Kids, is a partnership that serves 3,566 K-12 students and their families, teachers, administrators and staff within the Cleveland School District. The purpose is to deliver quality physical education to the students and plant a see that will develop a culture of wellness in the Delta region.

Through this partnership, a Carol M. White Physical Education Program grant was written and funded through the U.S. Department of Education, providing funding for the acquisition of appropriate PE equipment, staff training and staff support. DSU supported the program through tuition waivers for grad students and the provision of expert professional staff comprising three faculty members from the Division of Health, Physical Education and Recreation and an average of six grad assistants.

Project PEAK was implemented on Jan. 4, 2008 with three main goals: 1) to increase student progress toward meeting Mississippi Physical Education standards, 2) to provide students with diverse opportunities to practice skills using process-based physical education, and 3) to regularly assess fitness to help students understand and improve their fitness levels. The program has been operation for more than three years.


Duration of partnership: 3 years
50+ volunteers
Impacts 3,566 students

Activities: Partnership created Carol M. White Physical Education Program grant to provide funding for PE equipment, staff and support. PEAK Project has provided district with improved capabilities to meet Code 4012 of the Miss. Public Schools Accountability Standards.

Results: K-12 district curriculum guide implemented to coordinate PE instruction. Teachers and project staff trained on guide implementation. Test data shows a higher percentage of students have moved to the “healthy zone” and a decrease of students in the “at risk” category. 13% increase in students who are healthy weight for their age and gender. Gains made in optimal body fat percentage, cardiovascular fitness, abdominal muscular fitness and upper-body flexibility.