The powerful community actions of Prime Time and alliances between home, school and community made a tangible difference in the lives of the students and their literacy skills.
The Kennedy Center provided consultants to facilitate strategic planning for arts education in the Meridian Public School District (MPSD). The goal of the Kennedy Center National Partnership is to provide access and equity in the arts for all PreK-8th grade students across many different art forms.
Vicksburg-Warren School District had a need to radically improve the existing facilities to state-of-the-art schools to provide safe, clean and up-to-date learning spaces that, by design, also promote higher order thinking and support 21st century learning.
Jackson County School District chose to address the disconnect between the skills employers are looking for in prospective employees and the skills of students leaving high school. How to bridge that gap became the goal of this initiative.
The district reached out to businesses and organizations to obtain incentives to encourage and reward students, teachers, and schools achieving the highest attendance rates.
Regardless of the route students take after they graduate, there are many skills they will need to be successful. This “professional development day” is designed to provide information that focuses on life skills.