Grace Christian Elementary (2023)

Grace Christian Elementary School’s mission is to educate ALL students to become productive citizens of a dynamic, global community. In doing so, we collaborated with First Presbyterian Church, Community Bank, Grace Christian Elementary PTO, Councilman Jeffery George, Hattiesburg Police Department, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. We aimed to help students recognize their strengths, weaknesses, passions, and skill sets through school-wide guidance/career lessons in hopes that they would have a broader understanding and knowledge of careers and the belief that they can be anything they want to be.

First, school personnel, partners, parents and community members met, virtually, on various occasions to determine needs, goals, and how each would contribute. Next, activities were planned out over a period of time. Students received information and participated in activities across various career clusters to build their awareness and knowledge in those fields. Then, volunteers from each partnership came to the school and spoke with students in a small group setting. Lastly, students were able to dress in the career of their choice for Career Day. Students received this career readiness partnership with eagerness. It was a joy to watch their eyes light up when they learned of jobs that interested them and when questions formed in their minds as the guest speakers were speaking.

Working with First Presbyterian Church, Hardy Street Baptist, Community Bank, Grace Christian Elementary PTO, Councilman Jeffery George, Hattiesburg Police Department, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity was very beneficial. The partnership helped to bridge a gap between our school and local organizations, build college and career awareness and knowledge, expand students’ knowledge of earning, spending, and saving money, and gave students the opportunity to see people from their community in some of the career fields that they may one day be in themselves!