Vicksburg-Warren School District
Vicksburg-Warren School District with multiple community partners. Funding and creation of program to update and improve schools into a college and career academy model.
Vicksburg-Warren School District had a need to radically improve the existing facilities to state-of-the-art schools to provide safe, clean and up-to-date learning spaces that, by design, also promote higher order thinking and support 21st century learning. Although a facilities improvement bond passed, additional funds were needed. A new funding stream, federal New Market Tax Credits (NMTCs), came to light and the District wanted to pursue them. NMTCs had never before been secured by a public school project of this magnitude. There was no model available to help the District navigate this process and help was needed.
Through the dedicated partner businesses of Butler Snow, The Reinvestment Group, Hope Enterprises, VHS Public Benefits Corporation, Crews and Associates, Government Consultants and Bailey Program Management the New Market Tax Credit Application was completed the District was awarded the tax credits needed to support additions and major renovations.