Our district proudly implements a comprehensive work-based learning program across multiple high schools, dedicated to supporting our community and equipping students with essential work skills and experiences. Through strategic partnerships with...
A lock is many times associated with keeping things safe and secure. Over a span of approximately ten years here at N.R. Burger, we have worked diligently to secure relationships with individuals and organizations in an effort to create a safe en...
In an effort to prepare student leaders to become college and career ready, we partnered with community members and organizations that live and work where our students grow and learn every day. Community members spoke with students about their ca...
Hattiesburg S.T.E.A.M Academy is Hattiesburg Public School District’s sixth grade-only school which incorporates and emphasizes the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). Our partnerships here at Hattiesburg STEAM...
At our school, we believe in the power of community partnerships to enhance the educational experience for our students. By collaborating with local organizations, businesses, and community members, we create a supportive environment that fosters...
Hattiesburg High School's partnership with local colleges, which include The University of Southern Mississippi, William Carey University, and Pearl River Community College, resulted in impressive gains in student achievement. The exemplary colla...
Narrative:Margaret J. Wheatley said it best, “There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” Partnerships are a staple in any business, classroom, and community. It is no secret that Mississippi is still e...