Blackburn Middle School (2023)

For the past 4 years, Blackburn Middle School and Jackson State University's Department of Community Engagement has been partnering on planting collard greens and having a cook-off. This has become a huge event for the community.
This year the event began on August 10, 2022 with a planning meeting in the principal's conference room. There was a meet and greet. It was held with the school's gardening sponsor, Jackson State University, the school's assistant principal, and several community representatives. On September 19, 2022, students from 6th-8th grade and community volunteers went to the learning garden to plant the collard green seeds. On October 13, 2022, students from 6th-8th grade went to the learning garden to water the collard greens, weed, and refresh the beds. On November 18, 2022, the garden club went to the learning garden to weed the collards. In addition, a flyer was sent out to the community soliciting for participants for the cook-off. On December 7, 2022, students from 6th-8th grade and community volunteers went to the learning garden to weed the garden. On December 15, 2022, students from 6th-8th grade and community volunteers harvest the collard greens. The students and the volunteers took the greens to the school cafeteria manager. The cafeteria manager washed and cut the greens for the competition. On December 16, 2022, the cook-off was held. There were 6 teams. Each team consisted of a student, teacher, staff, parent, or community person. There were 9 community judges from various business around Jackson.