Clausell Elementary School (Jackson Public Schools) - Student and staff recognition programs, academic and behavior incentives, and 5th grade class-day activities
Partners: Saks, Inc. and Hudson Bay Company
Students impacted: 357
Volunteers: 15-20
Partnership duration: 20+ years
For more than two decades, Clausell Elementary partners have worked with the parent planning committee and school liaison on a number of projects to enhance the learning environment for teachers and students. Saks and Hudson Bay have provided judges for reading and science fairs every year and also promote Read Across America by providing 15-20 employee volunteers to read in the classrooms. Employees are also active on the Site Counsel, which meets monthly to discuss school practices and programs; and the Scholars’ Mentors Committee, which helps identify mentors from businesses and civic organizations.
- Distributed surveys to find out what motivates students to achieve
- Employees lead monthly student birthday celebrations
- Volunteers took 200 student scholars to a Mississippi Braves baseball game
- Accountability rating rose from F to C in one school year
- Monthly celebrations and activities involve all students