George Elementary and Colonial Heights Baptist Church, Fondren Presbyterian Church

Duration of partnerships: Fondren Presbyterian Church - 32 years, Colonial Heights Baptist Church - 11 years
Volunteers: Fondren Presbyterian-200, Colonial Heights Baptist Church - 80
Impacts 180 students
George Elementary's partners are committed to helping the school reach and meet its targeted academic goals. They also reach out to parents in the community to help them meet special needs, such as providing clothing, food, and school and household supplies. These services are also rendered to other needy individuals in the community.
Colonial Heights Baptist Church recently purchased property near the school that will be used as a community garden, which will focus on planting, growing and eating healthy foods. George Elementary organizes a Star School Parade involving the community to recognize outstanding academic performances. To help students develop stronger bonds with their parents, the school hosts a Men Empowering Boys’ Breakfast and a Women Empowering Girls’ Breakfast. To boost interest in reading, a "Book Nic" combines a picnic with outdoors book readings. During Dr. Seuss Day, George Elementary adopters and students listen to and read their favorite Dr. Seuss storybooks. Reading Is Not A Trick, It’s A Treat Day provides students with books for Halloween, and students and partners participate in reading fairs and science fairs. In addition, George Elementary participates in The Dove Tree to collect donated items from church members to meet family needs.
Test scores prove that partnership activities are making a positive impact on student achievement. Based on MCT2, 91% of students in grades 3-5 Mathematics and 96% in 3-5 Language Arts scored proficient or better. Family and community involvement also has increased, with more parents attending parent-teacher conferences, more parent surveys returned by students, and more adopters and volunteers taking active roles in school activities.