N.R. Burger Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association

Duration of partnership: 2 years
19 volunteers
Impacts 611 students
In 2010-2011, N. R. Burger Middle School’s Parent Teacher Student Association collaborated with Target and Dollar General Store for an Arts/Culture Grant to promote and enhance reading and art at N. R. Burger Middle School. Target and Dollar General awarded the PTSA a total of $5,000 to implement the project.
The project was implemented in 2011 in collaboration with PTSA, language arts, and art teachers in facilitating a reading project in which students chose age appropriate literature and created art and a short summary to describe the literature they read.
Students were instructed to create artwork (e.g., drawings, paintings, poems) and write a summary that would encourage other students to read their book. The project was developed to encourage students to read, comprehend, and express literary work through art. It was such a success during the 2010-2011 that the PTSA of Burger Middle School wanted to continue the project.
The PTSA assisted fully in the project this year because there was no funding from the previous partners. The PTSA helped provide books and art materials to students for the projects. Also, parents supported the project by volunteering their time and encouraging students to stay for an after-school reading fair session. The after-school session was held three times a week, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., for an entire month prior to the Reading Through Arts Exhibit Night. During the after-school session, students were able to use the computer, check out books and perfect their project.
The PTSA, again this year, sponsored the Reading Through The Arts Exhibit Night for students, parents, and the school community to hear students present their literary pieces.
Reading Fair/Reading Through the Arts; Reading Through the Arts Exhibit Night; PTSA/English Department sponsored after school tutoring and assistance with Reading Fair projects; students participating in the after-school project received needed materials, access to computers, and books to complete their projects.
Project generated 500+ display boards and 10 students presenting reading fair projects as an art form. Participation rates increased from previous years; greater awareness by parents, students, and teachers of the importance of reading; 179 students and 16 parents participated in after-school reading fair tutoring session; 25+ parent involvement activities; increased parent participation for academic engagement.
19 volunteers
Impacts 611 students
In 2010-2011, N. R. Burger Middle School’s Parent Teacher Student Association collaborated with Target and Dollar General Store for an Arts/Culture Grant to promote and enhance reading and art at N. R. Burger Middle School. Target and Dollar General awarded the PTSA a total of $5,000 to implement the project.
The project was implemented in 2011 in collaboration with PTSA, language arts, and art teachers in facilitating a reading project in which students chose age appropriate literature and created art and a short summary to describe the literature they read.
Students were instructed to create artwork (e.g., drawings, paintings, poems) and write a summary that would encourage other students to read their book. The project was developed to encourage students to read, comprehend, and express literary work through art. It was such a success during the 2010-2011 that the PTSA of Burger Middle School wanted to continue the project.
The PTSA assisted fully in the project this year because there was no funding from the previous partners. The PTSA helped provide books and art materials to students for the projects. Also, parents supported the project by volunteering their time and encouraging students to stay for an after-school reading fair session. The after-school session was held three times a week, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., for an entire month prior to the Reading Through Arts Exhibit Night. During the after-school session, students were able to use the computer, check out books and perfect their project.
The PTSA, again this year, sponsored the Reading Through The Arts Exhibit Night for students, parents, and the school community to hear students present their literary pieces.
Reading Fair/Reading Through the Arts; Reading Through the Arts Exhibit Night; PTSA/English Department sponsored after school tutoring and assistance with Reading Fair projects; students participating in the after-school project received needed materials, access to computers, and books to complete their projects.
Project generated 500+ display boards and 10 students presenting reading fair projects as an art form. Participation rates increased from previous years; greater awareness by parents, students, and teachers of the importance of reading; 179 students and 16 parents participated in after-school reading fair tutoring session; 25+ parent involvement activities; increased parent participation for academic engagement.