Woodley Elementary (2023)

The year 2022 was a time of many challenges, but like the phoenix emerging from the ashes, Woodley has undergone a great rebirth. In cooperation with its community partners, Woodley sought not to surrender to hardships, but to seize the challenges as opportunities to grow and flourish. "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.  ( . . . ) It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." These words, spoken by Andrew Carnegie nearly a hundred years ago, never rang more true than they do today at Woodley. The supportive effort each of Woodley's community partnerships provides our students and staff is immeasurable. During the 2021-2022 school year, Woodley had the pleasure of continuing our eighteen-year relationship with Parkway Heights United Methodist Church. Like an anchor that holds steadfast in a storm, Parkway Heights has endured both years of hardship and triumph.  This past year also saw the restoration of the partnership with Mississippi State University Extension Services. Seeking to fulfill, what Maslow calls our most basic of needs, the teachers and staff at Woodley endeavor to nurture not only a child’s mind but their bodies as well.   Woodley is proud to announce the advent of two new partnerships this year. First with the Mississippi Department of Archive and History (MDAH). Umbrellaed under this collaboration are a number of entities, and without their help and cooperation, this partnership would not have been successful.  The year 2022 also marked the debut of a new partnership with Ampact- AmeriCorp in Action.  Ampact's philosophy, "All children should have the opportunity to be successful in school," echoes daily in the halls of Woodley Elementary, which is why we so eagerly embraced this new alliance in education. It is the collaboration of these amazing teams that is instrumental in fueling the continued growth and success of Woodley Elementary School.