For “The Love of Winona-Montgomery,” the Winona-Montgomery Consolidated School District has partnered with various partners within the community to build community relationships while supporting the economy of Montgomery County. These partnership...
Rankin County School District entered into an agreement with Central MS Planning and Development District through an grant from Accelerate MS to place a Career Coach at each of our 8 High Schools.
The Florence High School Medical Science Academy wanted to do a no cost service project. Through research, we found a shoe-drive opportunity where used, in good condition shoes could be collected. These shoes would then support over 4,000 familie...
We desire to improve and enhance the overall outcome of our student's academic achievements every day by providing them with learning experiences that will enhance their ability to learn. We have exposed our students to real-life situations that ...
The Richland Fire Department provides training to the students involved; this training includes:1. CPR certification2. Safety, Search and Rescue procedures.3. Emergency removal of victims from cars4. The proper technique for the use of applicable...
The Teddy Bear Clinic is an initiative to allow community partners help with science benchmark standards. The nursing students/instructors of Hinds Community College Nursing Allied devised interactive activities to help scholars increase their ac...
Our focus has been on bringing our community into our school and presenting students with real life, hands on experiences. From spending time on campus at Mississippi State University, community led clubs, athletic mentorships, and business/indus...